Dizzying Intellect
Cherry picking all your favorite parts
From a book you can't be bothered to read
Claiming that it's love within your hearts
Just as long as everyone's agreed
'Cause everything HAS TO
Support what you want the truth to be
Your confirmation bias trumps my liberty
So we should just step aside and hold our tongues...
'Cause who needs proof when you can just
Just the parts that FIT YOUR VIEWS?
Just stick to the script and YOU CAN'T LOSE
No matter what they say you JUST REFUSE
To hear a fucking word of it
You don't even know...You're so FULL OF SHIT
With your dizzying intellect
You haven't even thought these things through
But yet you fucking SWEAR it's true
In a mass of contradicting claims
In one breath you profess your love for all
In the next you threaten us with eternal flames
And it's US you blame
It's like music to your ears
The suffering anguish and the fear
Are you always this sincere?
As when you are wishing to see us all BURN?
Once again your persecution complex
Becomes the topic of the day
While you ensure that you're the only one
Who even gets to have a say
'Cause who needs justice when you can just
Just the parts that FIT YOUR VIEWS?
Just stick to the script and YOU CAN'T LOSE
No matter what they say you JUST REFUSE
To hear a fucking word of it
You don't even know...You're so FULL OF SHIT
With your dizzying intellect But THAT'S JUST IT —
You haven't even thought these things through
You just took it as a given
Now your can of answers seems to be running low
Just when you had it all figured out
More and more it's starting to show
You have no idea
What you're talking about